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Internet Retailing: What can our ‘nation of shopkeepers’ teach global retailers?


Our Managing Director of EMEA, Michael Patterson, recently penned a byline for Internet Retailing’s nearly half a million readers. 

What can our ‘nation of shopkeepers’ teach global retailers? discusses what retailers from around the world can learn from the UK’s nimble mindset to weather the current industry storm for future success.

Three core lessons illustrated:

1) NEW TECHNOLOGY TRENDS AREN’T ADD-ONS: To improve the chances of survival, acknowledging the way incoming headwinds are blowing isn’t enough; retailers must ensure adaptability and predictive technology are an integral part of their ongoing, evolving strategy to identify their most profitable customers.

2) CONSUMER RELATIONSHIPS MATTER: Putting the customer first is no longer just a popular industry mantra, but a vital necessity.

3) NEW ERA, NEW OPERATING MINDSET: The best retailers aren’t leveraging advanced technology to replicate what they have done before with enhanced efficiency, they are realigning their entire outlook.

As Michael stated, “By learning from the consumer-focused, open-minded attitude of the UK’s progressive retailers, it’s possible other global markets can increase their own resilience and results.”